My Social Work Consultancy Specialties
Collaboratively design, oversee and coordinate the client’s strategic vision and research agenda regarding psychosocial needs.
Guide program managers to develop new projects and relationships across borders including governmental agencies, non-profits, and NGOs creating a culture and environment of results-based management.
Psychosocial needs assessments for individuals, programs and groups. Coordinating data collection, writing and disseminating results for academia, public audiences, and additional stakeholders.
My PRIVATE practice SPecialties
Psychotherapy with Individuals, Couple's, Children and Families
Anxiety, Panic & Stress Disorders
Relationships (Couple’s Therapy)
Coping with Medical Challenges (Diseases such as cancer, HIV/AIDs cardiac, oncological and congenital abnormalities)
Career Counselling
Personal Care and Finance Management
Independent Living Skills
Learning Disorders
LGBTQIA (Acceptance, Self Love, Workplace, Discrimination, Relationships, Coming Out)
face to face therapy
NOTE: I am not currently meeting clients in person.
I also provide counselling for wide range of diagnoses including substance abuse, schizophrenic, borderline, depression and narcissistic personality disorders in adolescents and adults. I conduct and complete psychosocial assessments as needed.
For these sensitive situations, I feel that I can offer the best support with face to face therapy; Therapy is 'In Office Only’ for:
Bereavement / End of Life Counselling
Substance Abuse
Eating Disorders
Borderline Personality Disorder
What makes Christine Harris Therapy different?
I work with clients to create a customised therapy approach addressing their problems and helping them achieve their goals.
What methods do you use?
I am skilled in various types of therapy:
- Teletherapy
- Focusing Oriented Psychotherapy
- Cognitive Behavior Therapy
- Eclectic Psychotherapy
- Gestalt Psychology
- Autogenic Relaxation
- Art Therapy
- Play Therapy
- Acu Detox
- Journaling
- Person Centered Therapy
- Guided Imagery
- Jin Shin Jyutsu
I use the ‘Kitchen Sink Approach,’ meaning I use different methods and combinations to find out what works best for each client.
How does teletherapy work?
Send me an email with a little bit about yourself and what you are interested in working on in your life. From there we will find a time to meet on a HIPAA-compliant video or audio call, and I will send you rates based on a sliding scale. Or, fill out the form on my teletherapy page.
Why teleherapy?
- There are various reasons for preferring teletherapy. The question should be: Is teletherapy right for you?
- Some people simply do not have access to traditional therapy due to location factors, disabilities, busy schedules.
- Privacy. Some clients prefer sessions from the comfort of their own home.
- Convenience. Clients do not have time to come in for regular sessions, it’s a busy world, and it’s nice to have a little flexibility.
- Teletherapy is a service that is especially beneficial to people who may not necessarily be capable of or feel up to going to traditional therapy regularly.
What is your cancellation policy?
- 48 hour Cancellation Policy
- If you know you will miss an appointment, please let me know as soon as possible so we can reschedule at a better date. I value your time and appreciate updates on schedule changes that will affect upcoming sessions.
- If you do not give a 48 hour notice you will be charged for the missed session unless it is due to an Act of God. Again, please be courteous and let me know as soon as possible if you will not be able to attend.
What are your licenses & affiliations?
See my Licensing and Affiliations Page
What workshops and presentations have you made?
See my Presentations page.
What is your social media policy?
See my Social Media Policy.
How much are your sessions?
See my Fees page.
“Life isn’t about finding yourself. It’s about creating yourself.”