Positive Psychology Meets the Pity Party

by Kayleigh Roberts and Christine Harris

To someone with or without Fibromyalgia “How are you doing?” can come off as small talk, an invitation, or a loaded question. It can feel like an obligation to say you’re fine for others’ supposed benefit; an excuse to list ailments and woes; or  even elicit a complicated social panic.

Expression is massively vital to well-being. Letting out your feelings and running with your personality are paramount to happiness, but where is the line? What is the difference between having a pity party and expressing all of your feelings?

Expression starts with you. Often we mask how we truly feel. Finding a healthy way to listen to your mind and body is vital to expressing yourself. Discovering positive ways to honestly express yourself can take on a journey of its own.

Set intentions. Are you trying to solve a problem or brag about it? If you’re competing for sympathy, it’s time to stop. Making someone feel bad for you, will not make you feel any better; that’s not the type of validation to strive for. Focus on positives. It could be as simple as a recipe or something you saw out your window. Tell a joke that made you laugh. 

Be proactive. Have you found something you enjoy or that gives you relief? Share it! Focus on steps to take care of yourself: sticking to a doable exercise plan, exercising gratitude for what you do have, making healthier choices, and prioritizing what makes you happy.

Practice Positive Psychology. Focus on Self-Love; Focus on bettering your future. Let go of the past along with anything not serving you now. Old scores are not present, move on, do what you can now.

Self-love, my liege, is not so vile a sin
As self-neglecting.
— Henry V, William Shakespeare

Build Your Strength 

Slow down your breathing. Take a deep breath for a count of 5, hold it, then let it out to a count of 10. Do this breathing exercise 5 times in the morning and five times at night. It’s great to do if you’re stressed, waiting on something, or whenever. Try this Polyvagal breathing exercise everyday for 2 weeks, and see how you feel.